
Uncle Fly wondering why the PLAY button isn't working on this two month puppy (taken at the Kamar Beezer Bungalow).
Making friends with Uncle Shiloh.
Playing with Sunny, his new BFF.
Stretching those Beezer puppy legs and exploring the Muddy Paws Compound.
At brother Ember's IABCA show - gaiting with Mom, stacking with Grandma Katie & meeting new friends. Really, really BIG friends. (About 3 1/2 months old)
Nope. No propensity for trouble or mischief here, is there? You can almost hear the inner dialogue... "Who's the hound? THIS guy's the hound!" (4 months old)
Screaming at the bunnies, as usual. Middle right is Deckard looking handsome in front of the main house at Bouchart Farms where he finished both his AKC and ASFA Championships and got both of his Best in Field awards. Bottom row is Deckard with his first and second BIFs a year apart.
Deckard putting some more show pony work in. Same outfit. Different shows. Still good results!
January 2015 IHCUS Supported Entry, Clemson Kennel Club. Saturday Best of Breed; Sunday Best of Breed/Owner-Handled.